Thinking about the Autumn Equinox

It was the Autumn Equinox yesterday, a time when the days and nights are of equal length. For some, you might not view this occasion particularly favourably – for those of us who are sun chasers, this marks the descent into the darkest, shortest days of the year. So we thought we’d look at some traditions around this time and seek out some of the positive things we can focus on at this point in the seasonal cycle.

Time To Let It Go

Many people believe that the equinox is a time that encourages us to focus on letting go of things that no longer serve us. They believe that creating this space in our lives prepares us for the coming solstice at which point we can focus on our intentions for what we want to bring into our lives. You don’t have to follow any particular ritual or ceremony to do this, you can simply think about the year so far and think about what you’ve like to release yourself from and move on from.

But if that is a little too ethereal for you, we think there is a practical application as well. Perhaps you could look at literally letting go of things you don’t need, i.e. decluttering! With Christmas just around the corner, many people choose to use the Autumn period as a time to clear out their houses and make literal space for the gifts that will be coming in just a few weeks time.

Time to embrace Hygge

Hygge was the buzz word a few years ago but if you missed it, it is a Danish and Norwegian word that describes a cosy contentment, evoked by comfort and often, time spent with our loved ones. Often when people say this word, the mind automatically goes to log fires, to fluffy blankets, to tasty treats. These are all things that come up when we think of this time of year naturally. And whilst arguably, the concept of ‘hygge’ can be applied at any time of year, we’d say there’s something very autumnal about it. So over the coming weeks and months, why not lean into being cosy, into slowing down, into spending quality relaxed time with your favourite people. We might have to accept the growing darkness outside but we can at least make the inside a desirable, pleasurable place to be.

Notice The Changing Seasons

Finally, a fantastic way to acknowledge and honour the autumn equinox and the change in our days is by getting outside to observe what is happening in the world around us. The natural world around us seems to exhale at this time of year, there’s a real slowing down that we can notice if we step outside. From the dappled light through the trees as the sun drops lower in the sky earlier each day to the spectacular colours of changing leaves to dew-adorned cobwebs in the morning, there is so much beauty that is unique to this time of year. Why not go out and look for it?

Because after all, although many reading this will be mourning the lack of light as our days grow shorter, of course it is a necessary part of the natural order of things. Balance is everywhere in the working of the world and this is just another example of it, we can’t have one without the other. So perhaps we need the dark season to fully appreciate and enjoy the light? And if that’s the case, rather than resist or bemoan it, maybe we can meet this change with more grace and acceptance and find the joys that it brings.

Author: Hannah Durdin, Content Officer & Forest School Leader

Date: Monday 23rd September 2024

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